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Ilze Jaunberga "Oh, Fortuna! Or another corner house"

Ilze Jaunberga
"Oh, Fortuna! Or another corner house"
17.01. - 01.03. 2025.

“O Fortune, like the Moon you are changeable”, claims a medieval poem, noting the inscrutable and arbitrary ways of Fortune, the capricious goddess of Luck and Fate.
The art gallery MuseumLV is proud to announce the long-awaited return of Latvian artist Ilze Jaunberga, known for her fusion of traditional academic painting with surrealist visions, offering a personal exhibition “O, Fortune! A tale of another corner house”.
Already since the early 2000s Jaunberga has meticulously developed figural compositions closely related to the Italian tradition of painting. One of the most recognizable motifs in this artist’s career has been the Carnival of Venice and its magnificent pageantry – observed not from a tourist’s perspective, but from within, drawing on her close ties to Italy and especially the creative community of Venice. Her mentor for many years was Enzo Rossi-Ròiss, a Venetian poet, publicist, and curator; their association not only facilitated the creation and exhibition of this artist’s paintings in Italy, but also immersion in the Italian language and culture. However, the surrealist carnival visions offered by Jaunberga are quite far removed from the dolce vita ethos, which in our region still is often associated with everything Italian.
The entire human existence depends on sustained luck, and is subject to the whims of fate. One appreciates the wheel of Fortune once it starts to rapidly turn downwards. We then say that our or someone’s “luck ran out”, but when the wheel carries us upwards, we proudly attribute the success to ourselves.
The new paintings by Jaunberga, combined with a retrospective of her earlier work, promise another turn in the Carnival of Life – the place of Venetian Palazzo is now occupied by a seven story apartment building in the central part of Riga, where, guided by the changeable Fortune, the artist happens to live. The exhibition shows how the carefree lives of people in this property, another corner house on the Stabu street, turned far worse than could have been imagined, revealing a legal nightmare concocted by a few of their neighbours who have run a criminal enterprise from their residence.
The artist herself, living through this legal drama, calls the apartment building a miniature “failed state”, where the apathy of citizens has allowed the fraud to continue, with “enterpreneurs” increasingly in charge of other people’s property, which may soon result in the eviction of law-abiding citizens.
Press release Jaunberga
Drawing on the ambitious parallel between these two corner houses on the same Stabu street, her own residence and the former Soviet KGB building, the artist highlights the banal persistence of evil, which sprouts wherever we, citizens, fail to stand up for our rights and democratic principles. The vigilance against corruption is needed every day, and the fate of democracy is being determined now, not in some final battle between Good and Evil.
The indifference from state authorities towards the blatant mismanagement of this apartment building has created a permanent Carnival that has trapped its participants with no easy way out. We are begging Fortune to release us from this spectacle, instead of being evicted from our lawful property. O, Fortuna, miserere nobis!


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“Digitālā ētika: kā uzvesties internetā” . Publicistes, režisores un blogeres Jevģenijas Šafranekas lekcija.

“Digitālā ētika: kā uzvesties internetā” . Publicistes, režisores un blogeres Jevģenijas Šafranekas lekcija.



26 ноября в 19:00 приглашаем вас на встречу-лекцию «Цифровая этика: как вести себя онлайн», которую проведет журналист, публицист, режиссер и популярный блогер Евгения Шафранек.

«Цифровая этика: как вести себя онлайн»
Интернет давно и плотно вошел в нашу жизнь. Но вместе с безграничными возможностями, появились и свои риски. И некоторые, казалось бы мелкие, ошибки могут стоит не только покоя, но и карьеры, личной жизни и репутации.

- может ли неудачное слово привести к серьезным неприятностям и даже откликнуться через годы
- как переписки, чаты и даже сториз влияют на нашу жизнь; как это работает и почему это работает

- что такое GDPR и почему нужно очень хорошо знать не только свои права, но и обязанности
- дигитальная безопасность и почему ее нельзя игнорировать.
Обо всем этом и многом другом расскажем, объясним и разъясним на нашем двухчасовом курсе сетевой безопасности: разберем живые примеры, вспомним собственный опыт, узнаем законы и правила и, конечно, научимся без уменьшения роли интернета в нашей жизни, избавляться от рисков, страхов и сомнений.

Будьте в сети, но не попадайтесь в сéти!

Где: галерея MusemLV, Pumpura iela 2
Время: 19:00
Стоимость: 30 евро
Язык лекции: русский
Язык общения: русский, латышский
Предварительная покупка билета обязательна, количество мест строго ограничена.
Приобрести билеты можно заранее в галерее либо в сети https://www.bilesuserviss.lv/.../lekcija-digitala-etika.../
Запись и информация по телефону: +371 25409000


26. novembrī 19:00 aicinām jūs uz tikšanos-lekciju “Digitālā ētika: kā uzvesties internetā”, ko vadīs žurnāliste, publiciste, režisore un blogere Jevģenija Šafraneka.

“Digitālā ētika: kā uzvesties internetā”
Internets jau sen ir iegājis mūsu dzīvēs, taču paralēli bezlimita iespējām, parādījušies arī sava veida riski. Dažas, mazas kļūdas var maksāt dārgi – karjeru, privāto dzīvi un reputāciju.

- Vai kāds neveiksmīgs vārds vai izteikums var novest līdz nopietnām problēmām pat pēc vairākiem gadiem;
- Kā sarakstes, čati un pat storiji ietekmē mūsu dzīvi; kā un kāpēc tas strādā;
- Kas ir GDPR un kāpēc ir svarīgi zināt ne tikai savas tiesības, bet arī pienākumus;
- Digitālā drošība un kāpēc to nevar ignorēt;

Par to visu un arī daudz ko citu izstāstīsim un paskaidrosim mūsu kursā (2h) par tīmekļa drošību: ņemsim dzīvus piemērus, atcerēsimies personīgo pieredzi, uzzināsim likumus un noteikumus un, protams, iemācīsimies interneta lomu mūsu dzīvēs, atbrīvojoties no riskiem, bailēm un šaubām.

Esiet tīmeklī, bet neiekļūsties tā tīklos!

Kur: galerijā MuseumLV, A. Pumpura iela 2
Laiks: 19:00
Cena: 30 EUR
Lekcijas valoda: krievu
Saziņas valoda: krievu, latviešu
Nepieciešama iepriekšēja biļešu iegāde, vietu skaits ir stingri ierobežots. Informācija un pieraksts, zvanot +371 25409000

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Ainars Mielavs. Paintings 22.11. – 28.12.

Ainars Mielavs. Paintings

22.11. – 28.12.

Art gallery MuseumLV and culture center Grata JJ from November 22 until the end of the year will present the first solo exhibition of artist Ainars Mielavs.

Ainars Mielavs has been a well-known Latvian singer-song writer for less than 40 years.

From 1976 to 1985, he received a professional education as an artist at the Riga Secondary School of Applied Arts and the Latvian Academy of Arts. He studied painting with the excellent masters - Silva Linarte and Silvija Jēkabsone. After a 30-year break, he started painting again in 2016. The exhibition gathers works from 1981. - 2024.


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GREAT NEWS! Exhibition of Artūrs Bērziņš "Chimeras" is extended until the end of the week - it will be possible to see it on November 8 and 9 on the 1st floor of the gallery MuseumLV 

 Laura Tučas' exhibition "NAIVE" is extended until the end of November

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Performance - social experiment COMMUNITY of Artūrs Bērziņš + discussion on the fate of European cultural heritage in the digital age


Mākslas galerijā MuseumLV 5.novembrī plkst. 18:00, notiks Artūra Bērziņa performance- sociālais pētījums, kur var piedalīties ikviens un kurai vēlāk sekos diskusija par Eiropas kultūras mantojuma likteņiem digitālajā laikmetā, ko vadīs LMA prof. Deniss Hanovs.

Analogā pagrīde vai sacelšanās? Diskusija par Eiropas kultūras mantojuma likteņiem digitālajā laikmetā

Mākslinieka Artūra Bērziņa darbu saturs un tehnikas ilustrē autora kultūrvidi, kas ir piesātināta ar Eiropas kultūras simbolisko, mītisko un literāro telpu, tās varoņiem, sižetu peripētijām un vēstījumiem. Šo bagātīgo nozīmju klāstu var piemeklēt dažādi riski, starp tiem digitālās kultūras transformēta indivīda lasīšanas mazspēja, ko stimulē procesi, kurus izraisa un padziļina masveida digitālo tehnoloģiju un mediju fenomens. Eiropas mākslas telpa kā atvērta tekstu kolekcija un simbolisko nozīmju mijiedarbība draud pazust apstākļos, kas padara kultūras mantojumu par nesalasāmu, socializācijai un identitātei nevajadzīgu un rezultātā - par “neeksistējošu”.

Diskusijas sākumā auditorijai būs iespēja novērot mākslinieka veidoto performanci/ sociālo eksperimentu KOMŪNA.

5. novembrī 18:00 galerijā Museum LV izstādes “Himēras”noslēguma ietvaros notiks Artūra Bērziņa interaktīva mākslas performance, kas provokatīvā formā sintezē arhetipiskos, t.s. psihoenerģētiskos konceptus ar kritisku skatījumu uz mūsdienu sabiedrību un tās ideoloģiskajiem konstruktiem. Šī transgresīvās mākslas izrāde kļūst par telpu, kurā eksistenciālais un politiskais ķermenis saplūst, radot transformatīvu rituālu, kas aicina pārskatīt gan individuālo, gan kolektīvo apziņu.

Rituāla pamatā ir spēle ar atsaucēm uz seno čakru koncepciju, kas integrēta caur teozofijas un New Age ideju prizmu. Performances laikā tiks atklātas un transformētas septiņas čakras – no Sahasrara līdz Muladhara, katrai no tām pārstāvot noteiktu psihoenerģētisko stāvokli un dzīvības principu.

Mākslinieciskā rituāla laikā auditorija kļūs par aktīviem līdzdalībniekiem, piedzīvojot tējas ceremoniju kā simbolisku pāreju caur dažādiem esības stāvokļiem. Dalībnieku pieredze tiks dokumentēta un translēta reālajā laikā, tādējādi radot ne tikai vizuālu, bet arī eksistenciālu dialogu starp demiurgu-mākslinieku un publiku. Auditorijas mijiedabības rezultāti kalpos secinājumiem dotā sociālā pētījuma ietvaros.

Šī performance piedāvā ne tikai māksliniecisku pieredzi, bet arī filozofisku dialogu par cilvēka apziņu, eksistenciālo brīvību un kolektīvajām maskām, kuras mēs nēsājam. Mēs aicinām Jūs pievienoties šai simboliskajai mākslas pieredzei, kas rosina gan emocionālu, gan intelektuālu līdzdalību. Tiksimies, lai kopīgi apzinātos, vai brīvība un patiesā esība ir sasniedzamas mūsdienu sabiedrībā, kur viss, šķietami, ir jau noteikts.

Ieeja tikai pilngadīgām personām – performancei piemīt provokatīvs raksturs.

Diskusijas dalībnieki: mākslinieks Artūrs Bērziņš, profesors Andris Teikmanis un pedagoģe, izglītības eksperte un sabiedriskā aktīviste, Latvijas krievu kultūras biedrības vadītāja Jeļena Matjakubova, kas vairāku gadu garumā komentē mazākumtautību izglītības procesa attīstību Latvijā, bijusi arī LR valsts prezidenta Mazākumtautību padomē.

Saruna notiks latviešu valodā. Diskusiju moderēs kultūrpētnieks Dr. Deniss Hanovs.


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Pastel masterclass by Laura Tuča

Pasteļu portretu meistarklase galerijā MuseumLV ar mākslinieci Lauru Tuču
Kur: Andreja Pumpura iela 2
Kad: 24.10.
Laiks: 17:30 – 19:00
Dalības maksa: 20 EUR
Lūdzam veikt priekšapmaksu līdz 23.10. Iepriekš lūdzam pieteikties rakstot uz info@museumlv.com
Dalībnieku skaits – 5 personas
Paralēli varēsiet apskatīt bez maksas A.Bērziņa izstādi "Himēras" galerijas 1.stāvā un “NAIVE” galerijas 2. stāvā

Pastel portrait masteclass at the gallery MuseumLV with Laura Tuča
Where: Andreja Pumpura street 2
When: 24.10., 17:30
Participation fee: 20 EUR
Application: info@museumlv.com
At the same time, you will be able to see exhibition "Chimeras"of Artūrs Bērziņš on the 1st floor of the gallery

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A group ticket for schoolchildren, students and retirees is available starting October the first.

Dārgie galerijas MuseumLV apmeklētāji!
No 1. oktobra galerijā MuseumLV var iegādāties grupas biļetes studentiem, skolēniem un pensionāriem. 10 apmeklētāju grupa: 15 eiro.

Dear friends of MuseumLV gallery! A group ticket for schoolchildren, students and retirees is available starting October the first. A group of 10 visitors: 15,- euros

Дорогие друзья галереи MuseumLV!
С первого октября доступен групповой билет для школьников, студентов и пенсионеров. Группа из 10 посетителей: 15 евро. 

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Solo exhibition of Artūrs Bērziņš "CHIMERAS"

Solo exhibition of Artūrs Bērziņš


20. 09. – 07.11.

The theme of the exhibition is dehumanization as the collapse of moral qualities, humanism in society, with the advent of the post-democratic era. "Chimeras" is about the creation of the so-called "new people", as has already happened in previous large social projects. For example, how a "Soviet person" was brought up with a certain value system and perception of the world.

But were the social experiments so bizarre as we are we are witnessing them now? Today's propaganda technologies in various parts of the world show fantastic results in turning people into something so grotesque. In an exaggerated-literal way, this is represented through anthropomorphic creatures that are grown or transformed in flasks and other devices under the supervision of engineers and members of an elite society. The "new people" in which admixtures of the anatomy of other creatures are visible - triton, sphinx, centaurid.

Just as in ancient mythology, Chimera was a creature that combined a lion, a goat and a snake, in biology, this word refers to organisms that consist of genetically different cells. In zoology, chimeras are organisms whose cells come from two or more zygotes. In addition to this, there is also the image of the birth of the "god from the machine". The artist likes the connotation with the more common meaning of this word - in everyday life, a chimera is called something unreasonable - a utopian, unrealizable idea, a fiction.

The exhibition will consist of assemblages, light boxes, installations and video projections.

The artist was born on April 20, 1983 in Riga. Received a master's degree at the Department of Visual Communication at LMA. Has held numerous solo exhibitions, including the exhibition "Barotava" (2017) at the Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils. This is already the third solo exhibition of A. Bērziņš at the art gallery MuseumLV (2018), (2021) and (2024). Artūrs Bērziņš has participated in more than 50 group exhibitions and projects in Latvia and abroad. At the same time, the artist also works in the performance genre, between 2017 and 2021, 5 performances by the artist took place in this art gallery. In addition, Artūrs Bērziņš has created scenography for several Dž.Dž. Džillindžer directed performances in the Great Hall of the Daile Theater (2018-2019), as well as numerous videos, animations and short films, including videos for world music stars such as "Seven Lions" and "Cradle Of Filth". In 2010, the influential American Internet portal Weirdworm.com ranked Artūrs Bērziņš in the sixth place in the Top-10 of the most peculiar artists in the world. The artist's works are also used as prints on clothing, attracting the attention of representatives of the world's music and alternative fashion industries; in 2020, pop music diva Billie Eilish came to the London "NME Awards" ceremony with a print of Artūrs Bērziņš's artwork on her shirt. In 2017, Zvaigzne ABC published the artist's debut novel " Spinners of the universe", which is the first example of the weird fiction genre in contemporary Latvian literature, and Zvaigzne ABC has also published "Dialectics of the character" and " Mirror side. One crazy fairy tale ".








100g kultūras

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Solo exhibition of Laura Tuča NAIVE

Solo exhibition of Laura Tuča
Culture center Grata JJ and gallery MuseumLV
20. 09. – 12.10.

The naive exhibition symbolizes the part of the world where the artist still seeks shelter and through humor tries to reflect on the issues of the modern world, including tolerance, therapy, long-term thinking and societal standards. Here, characters from TV, literature, cartoons etc., are mixed with humorous plots to explain the author's value system. “Everything that has shaped me as a being is here.” Each generation has its own experiences and memories that originally shaped it - something known and close to the heart.
"My peers often laugh when I tell how excited I am about something, for example, a cartoon, but it's no wonder - there are elements in them that keep my attention and are important to me. There are beautiful visuals, acting, story line, different values, nostalgia, etc., people have spent long working hours to create them. Through these beautiful works I draw inspiration and also find the strength to live a simple life in this sometimes not so simple world. Through stories, we get to know the world and form our value system. Visual art, like any art, is open to interpretation, but it always has an idea and a story behind it. Even if an artist chooses not to talk about his artwork, it will at some point be interpreted by others. Art is the way we communicate, share ideas and dare to think. Culture is a powerful tool in building a country." In the paintings of Laura Tuča, not only the visual, but also the narrative line of the painting plays a big role. Each work is like a separate movie.
L. Tučas' song "Who am I?", which was created as a performance at the gallery MuseumLV in March of this year, will be also played at the exhibition.

Laura Tuča (1996) is a multidisciplinary artist. She has organized several solo exhibitions in Riga, including such place as Spīķeri, and tries to create them in an uncommon format. Since 2020, L. Tuča has created 5 concert - exhibitions, combining the synergy of visual art and music, including a series of portraits of Latvian musicians. She had participated in CONTEMPORARY VENICE – ART FAIR (2021), in Italy, organized by ITSLIQUID Group and curated several exhibitions in the gallery MuseumLV. Additionally she lead the recent collective exhibition of young artists "CONTACTS" on the Tallinas ielas kvartāls.







100g kultūras

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