

Grata JJ



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Anda Poikāne. Solo exhibition "Paena". 05.09.2018 - 06.10.2018.

05.09.2018 - 06.10.2018.


Fatigued by the summer heat we search for a place to draw breath and contemplate in shade. In the shadow under trees, under flowers, in the shadow of a playful, delicate horse, in the shadow of summer that turns into a September afternoon. The exhibition is devoted to meditation, reflected in unique human-sized terracota sculptures, impressive three-dimensional paper shapes, drawings and collages.

The tired one seeks a place to recline. It has been thus for thousands of years - in the search for shelter from the sun, from the wind, from anxiety. “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?” (New Testament James 4:1). When the weary one looks for a shade comes the moment of truce.

Sculptor Anda Poikāne's exhibition Shade is concieved as a visual event to be experienced by viewer, as it is not just a show of the accomplished works but rather an invitation to submit to the senses, fostered by the creations, and to contemplate about life and time in the search of the Great Truth. It is a gripping game, where the visitor of the exhibition enters the world created by the artist and becomes the main hero. It's a shade or a fragment of a larger fragment. We perceive many things and phenomena in bits, as it is difficult to grasp connections and bonds, especially if the distance is not sufficient for observation. But even if we believe to comprehend the Great Truth, that is only a detail as well, for only the chosen can comprehend the complete, where the fragments melt together and merge.

Anda Poikāne's exhibition is one of the ways to observe this world. Everyhing is interwound there – three dimensional shapes with drawings, videos with sculptures, mobile objects with stationary, large with tiny, silence with sound, colour, light and perceivable depth. It is a place to meet the like-minded, for the magic of being together and collaboration is the true excitement of the exhibition. Such a place is like a canvas where a painting is created by composing the proportions.

Co-author of video works: Raitis Vulfs
Concept of exposition: in cooperation with artist Margarita Budze
Curator of exhibition: art historian Eva Rotčenkova

Free entrance.

Other Resources:
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji - Youtube
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Medij - Latvijas Radio 1
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji - Article
Эхо Риги

Cultural center Grata JJ, art gallery MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: MuseumLV - Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Phone no.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - mail: info@museumlv.com

Working hours: Tue. – Fr.: 11.00 – 19.00, Sat.: 11.00 – 17.00
Andreja Pumpura str. 2, Riga, LV – 1010

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Ilze Laizāne. Solo exhibition "Taste of summer". 04.09.2018 - 06.10.2018.

04.09.2018 - 06.10.2018.

In the juried exhibition "Mystery. Ritual art" Ilze Laizāne received GRATA public vote prize of for her work "Enchanted forest", which will be a part of the artist's new exhibition "Taste of summer" in the art gallery MuseumLV.

The author invites visitors to view her recent paintings, the mood of which relates to summer, the mysteries of the sun and nature, secrets that are hidden in the sky and earth, wonders that unveil, from the awakening of life and resurrection to the floral madness of meadows. The exhibition will inspire its viewers to experience the senses that associate with summer – colour, sound, fragrance, taste.

Speaking of her artworks, Ilze Laizāne says:
"In every human being there is a source which is known as spirit or soul, that maintains one's inner serenity. This calm is the force that I use to create my artworks, attempting to influence my viewers in a positive way and allowing them to enjoy the energy and rhythm of the paintings. The exhibited works express emotions, brought about by unconscious ideas drawn from the surrounding nature and transformed via me into works of art. Nature is my source of inspiration in the process of creation, the depiction of nature in my paintings lets everyone experience its essence. The portrayed characters may be depicted as mythological, symbolic beings which are closely tied with nature. I pay special attention to the role of subconsciousness, dreams and imagination."

Ilze's artworks are painted in oil media, combined with graphic drawing. The painter works in realistic approach. Her paintings depict symbolic, figural compositions, and a true story, a secret hides behind their beauty.

Ilze Laizāne has graduated the Art Academy of Latvia in 2014, where she studied in Glass art, Graphics and Painting departments. She actively participates in the creative processes in Latvia and abroad - in Italy, Belgium, Austria, France, Germany and Lithuania.

Other resources on the Internet:
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji - Youtube
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Medij - Latvijas Radio 1
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji - Raksts
Rīgas Atbalss

Cultural center Grata JJ, art gallery MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: MuseumLV - Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Phone no.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - mail: info@museumlv.com

Working hours: Tue. – Fr.: 11.00 – 19.00, Sat.: 11.00 – 17.00
Andreja Pumpura str. 2, Riga, LV – 1010

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Sākusies virtuālā skatītāju balsošana par GRATA balvas III piesķiršanu labākajam darbam konkursizstādē "Mistērija. Rituālā māksla".

Balsot šeit: museumlv.com...

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Apsveicam uzvarētāju!


Vakar GRATA publikas simpātiju balvu ieguva Ilze Laizane par darbu "Apburtais mežs".
Konkursa izstādē piedalījās 100 mākslinieki un bija apskatāmi 150 mākslas darbi.
Skatītāju balsošanā piedalījās 1146 apmeklētāji.

Kultūras centrs Grata JJ, mākslas galerija MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: art gallery MuseumLV cultural center Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Tālruņa nr.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - pasts: info@museumlv.com

Darba laiks: Ot. – Pt.: 11:00 – 19:00, S.: 11:00 – 17:00
Andreja Pumpura iela 2, Rīga, LV – 1010

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Juris Germanis. Solo exhibition “Women and nature”

26.07.2018 - 01.09.2018.


Juris Ģērmanis was born on 16 June 1941 in Riga. Studied at Jānis Rozentāls Riga Art Highschool (1952-1960). In 1966 graduated from the Latvian Academy of Art, Department of Painting. Member of the Artists’ Union of Latvia since 1975. In 1998 he received Master of Arts degree.

He has worked in art pedagogy for many years. Has actively participated in the work of the Artists’ Union of Latvia as a Board member of AU.

Since 1967, he has regularly participated in the exhibitions both in Latvia and abroad. The artist’s works are located at the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, the Latvian National Museum of Art, the Museum of the Artists’ Union of Latvia, Talsi Regional Museum, Cēsis History and Art Museum, as well as in the private collections in Latvia, the USA, Australia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Germany, etc.

The exhibited works were created between 2000 and 2018 and cover two important themes of the artist’s creation - the female figure and the landscape. The exhibition “Women and Nature” laconically marks the sources of the inspiration of Juris Gērmanis during his creative life and they are still topical.

First of all, Juris Ģērmanis considers himself a figure painter. There have been created both the portraits of many people known to the public and the psychological portraits rich in moods, but above all – the women. The image of a woman as the main source of the inspiration for the artist – spirit of the moods, plasticity of forms, going more deeply into the individuality of each personality – in both portraits and nudes.

The second theme is related to landscape painting in plenaries in the nature of Latvia - sultriness, wind, rain - it all fits into the process of realizing the beauty of the moment and its manifestation in art. Work in the plenaries for many years characterizes the artist’s handwriting - concentration and ability to work creatively here and now, capturing the magic of the moment. Technical virtuosity and a sense of colour given by nature helps to convey his vision accurately to the viewer.

The artist glorifies not only the magnificence of Latvian nature and people, but also works abroad. In the exhibition will be possible to see paintings made in Morocco what is a separate theme that highlights Juris Gērmanis' art from another perspective. Oriental exotics in the eyes of Nordic man.

The real environment and the people who are painted from nature are always important to Juris Ģērmanis. There are three important aspects in the works - tonal harmony of colours, composition and exact drawing - which the artist has mastered at both Jānis Rozentāls Art School at the artist Arnolds Griķis and Latvian Academy of Art at the artists Ārijs Skride, Kondrāts Ubāns, Indulis Zariņš and Eduards Kalniņš under guidance of which he also elaborated his diploma paper. The artist has still remained loyal to the qualities of the Latvian School of Painting.

Other resources on the Internet:
Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji

Cultural center Grata JJ, art gallery MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: MuseumLV - Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Phone no.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - mail: info@museumlv.com

Working hours: Tue. – Fr.: 11:00 – 19:00, Sat.: 11:00 – 17:00
Andreja Pumpura str. 2, Riga, LV – 1010

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GRATA PRIZE exhibition "Mystery. Ritual Art". 21.06.2018 – 25.08.2018

21.06.2018 – 25.08.2018

Exhibition "Mystery. Ritual arts"

With this project the culture centre GrataJJ is starting a tradition by founding an award in visual arts, thus encouraging artists to participate in an annual summer exhibition that hosts representations of various art genres. A surprise for the visitors - a chance to enjoy the artworks of their beloved artists all at once.

In Latin "grata" means "that which is welcome", "that which is accepted with gratitude."
The culture centre GrataJJ and the art gallery MuseumLV offers two separate prizes of 500 Euros. The first winner will be chosen by the gallery and the prize will be awarded during the opening of the exhibition. The second prize will be awarded by the viewers on July 26.
The exhibition was an open call to the artists, and as a result it will host a wide range of visual artworks – paintings, graphics, installations, ceramics and works of sculpture.
The artworks showcased in the exhibition will be anonymous – each participant will be assigned a number, thus enabling the viewers to select their favourite artworks impartially until the end of the voting period on July 26.

Occasionally the process of creating an artwork overlaps with the nature of a ritual. In other cases – art and ritual is the same thing.
The creation of an artwork does not have to have similarities with ritual actions, because it is a process that demands patience and scrupulosity, and by the end of which the artist opens a portal to a new world that has been inaccessible to others before.
The opening of the exhibition is conjoined with the ritual period of summer solstice before the Līgo fest, or Midsummer night, which can be perceived as our Latvian mystery. How do we view this ancient inheritance, through the guidance of an artist’s experience?

More than 70 artists participate in the project, for example, Agate Apkalne, Andrejs Ameļkovičs, Laima Bikše, Artūrs Bērziņš, Rihards Delvers, Lilija Dinere, Roberts Diners, Laura Feldberga, Ojārs Feldbergs, Agnija Ģērmane, Agija Jansone, Jūlija Jeresjko, Inga Jurova, Matiass Jansons, Daiga Krūze, Roberts Koļcovs, Kristīne Kvitka, Dita Lūse, Anita Meldere, Silvija Meškone, Aleksejs Naumovs, Laura Pīgozne, Anda Poikāne, Ilona Romule, Skuja – Braden, Kalvis Zālītis, Nele Zirnīte and many other brilliant artists.

Other resources on the Internet:
Cultural center Grata JJ, art gallery MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: MuseumLV - Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Phone no.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - mail: info@museumlv.com

Working hours: Tue. – Fr.: 11.00 – 19.00, Sat.: 11.00 – 17.00
Andreja Pumpura str. 2, Riga, LV – 1010

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GRATA PRIZE exhibition "Mystery. Ritual Art"

20.06.2018. - 25.08.2018.

20.06.2018. Mākslas galerijā MuseumLV tika atklāta izstāde «Mistērija. Rituālā māksla» un pasniegta GRATA balva vizuālajā mākslā.

Par pirmo GRATA balvas lauriātu kļuva Ojārs Arvīds Feldbergs. Šīs balvas likteni lēma galerija MuseumLV. Izstādes «Mistērija Rituālā māksla» atklāšanas laikā Ojārs Feldbergs veica akmens stādīšanas rituālu, kurā varēja piedalīties ikviens pasākuma dalībnieks. Pašlaik šis akmens ir apskatāms galerijā un izstādes apmeklētāji var nodot tam savu vēstījumu.

Otra – skatītāju simpātiju balva tiks pasniegta 26.07.2018. Vairāk kā mēnesi skatītājiem tiks dota iespēja balsot par sev tīkamākajiem mākslas darbiem, apmeklējot izstādi «Mistērija. Rituālā māksla». Mākslinieki konkursā piedalās anonīmi, katram darbam ir piešķirts kārtas numurs, par kuru izstādes apmekletāji tiek aicināti balsot.

Ar šo projektu kultūras centrs Grata JJ aizsāk tradīciju - nodibinot savu balvu vizuālajā mākslā, rosināt māksliniekus piedalīties ikgadējā vasaras izstādē, kurā plašā spektrā pārstāvēta visdažādāko virzienu māksla – pārsteigums skatītājiem, iespēja vienkopus skatīt iemīļoto mākslinieku darbus.

Tulkojumā no latīņu valodas "grata" nozīmē "vēlamais", "ar pateicību pieņemamais".

Par izstādes tematiku:
Dažreiz mākslas darba radīšanas process pēc savas formas pārklājas ar rituāla būtību.
Citrreiz rituāls un māksla ir viens un tas pats.
Mākslas darba radīšanai var arī nebūt nekā kopēja ar rituālām darbībām, jo tas ir pacietību prasošs, skurpulozs darbs, tomēr rezultātā mākslinieks atver savu portālu uz līdz šim citiem nepieejamu pasauli.
Izstādes atklāšanas laiks - pirms Līgo svētkiem, ko varam uzskatīt par mūsu latvisko mistēriju – kā mēs skatāmies uz šo seno mantojumu, vadoties no mākslinieka pieredzes?

Izstāde apskatāma no 21. 06. – 28. 08.

Citi resursi Internetā:
Latvijas Radio 4

Kultūras centrs Grata JJ, mākslas galerija MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: art gallery MuseumLV cultural center Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Tālruņa nr.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - pasts: info@museumlv.com

Darba laiks: Ot. – Pt.: 11:00 – 19:00, S.: 11:00 – 17:00
Andreja Pumpura iela 2, Rīga, LV – 1010

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Vita Ozoliņa and Daina Dagnija. Discussion, lifestreaming

30.05.2018. 18:30

Trešdien, 30.05. plkst. 18.30 Kultūras centra GrataJJ galerijā MuseumLV tradicionālās interneta tiešraides ietvaros uzstāsies
mākslas zinātniece Vita Ozoliņa un māksliniece Daina Dagnija sarunā par Dainas Dagnijas dzivi un mākslu laikmeta griežu un kultūras kontekstā.

Kultūras centra Grata JJ galerijā MuseumLV viesosies mākslas zinātniece Vita Ozoliņa un māksliniece Daina Dagnija, kuras retrospektīvo izstādi «Dzīve mākslai. Māksla dzīvei» pašlaik var apskatīt galerijā MuseumLV.
Vita Ozoliņa jau no 1987. gada ir sekojusi Dainas Dagnijas izstāžu darbībai Latvijā – viņa bija kuratore Dainas Dagnijas izstādei «Amerika», kas notika 2002. gadā Aizrobežu Mākslas muzejā. Vita Ozoliņa ir arī viesojusies pie Dainas Dagnijas Ņujorkā – klausītāji varēs uzzināt daudz interesanta par Dainas un citu makslinieku dzīvi mākslai Savienotajās Valstīs.
Kopš galerijas atklāšanas 2017. gada maija beigās katru nedēļu galerijā MuseumLV kāds no māksliniekiem pieņem izaicinājumu apmēram divas stundas radīt mākslas darbu vai uzstāties interneta tiešraides laikā. Tiešraidi varēs vērot Facebook lapā: MuseumLV un Grata JJ.
Ieeja bez maksas. Klausītājus lūdzam pieteikties pa tālr. +371 67016602 vai ari facebook lapā: MuseumlV un Grata Jj

Galerija MuseumLV Andreja Pumpura iela 2, Rīga
+371 67016602 / +371 25409000
Ieeja bez maksas Darba laiks: P.O.T.C.P. 11:00 – 19:00, S. 11:00 – 17:00

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Muzeju nakts.

Šodien, muzeju naktī, gaidīsim ciemos Dainas Dagnijas izstādē "Dzīve mākslai. Māksla dzīvei" Museum LV un Grata JJ būs atvērts līdz 24.00

Daina Dagnija
184 x 163 cm

Kultūras centrs Grata JJ, mākslas galerija MuseumLV
FACEBOOK: MuseumLV un Grata JJ
YOUTUBE: art gallery MuseumLV cultural center Grata JJ
INSTAGRAM: museumlvgratajj

Tālruņa nr.:
00 670 16 602
00 254 09 000
e - pasts: info@museumlv.com

Darba laiks: Ot. – Pt.: 11:00 – 19:00, S.: 11:00 – 17:00
Andreja Pumpura iela 2, Rīga, LV – 1010 Darba laiks: Ot. – Pt.: 11.00 – 19.00, S.: 11.00 – 17.00
Andreja Pumpura iela 2, Rīga, LV – 1010

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